Genting mimicking STI
I was introduced to a new program today by a fellow forumer. Well, it is not very new but its new to me. Its call Dateline NBC: To catch a predator. It is a program about trapping and catching peadophiles in USA. It is indeed quite interesting and the program runs a few states in US. If anyone interest in the program, you can just check up Watching the program is indeed disturbing.
One thing that you will notice is that most of the peadophiles aren't of marcho nature. They are either plum or thin, do not really seem with capability of social relationship and not good at expressing themselves verbally. These are not alpha males and therefore need to aim lower to minors. It is only through a vase seniority that they can feel power.

Fig 1 Genting Daily Chart
As I look at Genting's daily chart, I kind of link it to STI daily chart. Both has completed a left shoulder and a head. They are at present probably working on the right shoulder, provided that the market is turning.
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