It has been about 2 years plus since I last blogged about stock market. I have been busy with my new born, the boy is now close to 3 and he is so cute! Yet, he is not speaking.....
Anyway, I recall the last time I blogged about stocks, one of the charts I put up was Creative. I was wondering if my SGD5.00 for Creative would come true. Seems like it did after a year or so. I have just restarted my charting, coming out of retirement. Re-installed my data base, got myself a Version 10.1 Metastock (real one, not pirated). So one of the first stock would again be my favourite, Creative.
I am (partially pleasantly) surprise at Creative's performance. It went further than I thought. I thought that SGD5.00 will hold, apparently not. It is as far south as SGd3 plus. So what is the exact price in Singapore context for Creative?
I have this formula that I like to use. Creative is having 50 units per lot, thus, the price per lot would be 3.79 X 50 = 189.50. In Singapore context, 1 lot is 1,000 units, therefore price per Singapore context, Creative is 189.50/1,000 = SGD0.1895 per unit, in another word a penny stock.

Fig 1. Creative
Fig 1 shows the latest Creative monthly chart. I like to use Monthly charts because it gives a general direction in the long run. Creative is really at the bottom. However, it did something interesting while moving south, a wedge was formed if you trace all the way till 2005. And during the last few months, an ascending triangle! Seems like Creative is poising to move up again! The target for the wedge is aiming at SGD9.89 while triangle is SGd5.80.
The monthly indicators are also showing signs of reversal on the monthly chart. So I am quite optimistic that Creative will see some light, well may be not its formal glory but it is going somewhere.
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