
My Charting Blog

It is interesting that I start off this Blog when the Singapore Stock Market is heading south. However, this makes it more interesting for me to write on as the market turned volatile. My interest is Technical Analysis, TA for short. I love to look at charts and predicting where they are heading. This blog is or me to record my thoughts on the market. The articles on this blog are based solely on my personal opinion on the charts that I read and readers should not take it as absolute.



In my last entry on this counter, I was in position at SGD0.07 with objective of possible 0.15 base on a flag move. I was hopeful on this stock. That is until Firday.

While monitoring the stock, I check on the Time and Sales record. There are many small players in buying up this stock. Many were as high as 1,000,000 units. However, a few trades un-nerved me. These stocks are distributing at volume of 20,000,000 to 40,000,000. The number of sellers are not many with only 1 or 2 per day, but it seems like someone know something and is dumping the stocks.

I could be wrong on this and this is only an assumption base on my own opinion. It is enough to ask for my exit, which I did.

Is it a wise choice? I am not sure, but the stock did touch a new low of 0.06 today with even higher volume. It is possible that I have error in reading my chart. The most important thing is that I have to admit that I can be wrong. Afterall, the charts read both ways.


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