
My Charting Blog

It is interesting that I start off this Blog when the Singapore Stock Market is heading south. However, this makes it more interesting for me to write on as the market turned volatile. My interest is Technical Analysis, TA for short. I love to look at charts and predicting where they are heading. This blog is or me to record my thoughts on the market. The articles on this blog are based solely on my personal opinion on the charts that I read and readers should not take it as absolute.


Najib should be removed

Fig 1 SGD MYR Weekly Chart

My last blog on this counter mentioned of the 2.90 target. It has been reached and surpassed.

My country is heading for bankruptcy because of an incompetence and yet a cowardice prime ministers with a bunch of followers attempting to suppress evidence of his corruption du to their vested interest. The very fact that if he goes down, everyone else will follow, the whole UMNO and BN ship will sink as a result of his own doing.

As such he is willing to sacrifice the well being of the whole country for his own benefit.

well, not all will hate him. Those who could not find working in Malaysia and forced to find greener pastures in Singapore will love him a lot.


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