...and I thought the worst is over....
No, it is not the market I am referring to. Its my daughter's education. I thought that the most important part is to get my daughter into a good school. well, I was wrong, because my nightmare just started.
WE have just received a stack of message from the school board and the alumni. We are to meet the teachers on 22nd Jan 2011 (Saturday) and being encouraged to enroll our kids into enrichment class for Mandarin and English (for Saturday) and the greatest part is that its going to take the whole afternoon! Seems like there is no way we are going to rest on Saturday. The lucky part is that my daughter loves attending classes, I don't know why but I find her being very happy going to classes. I doubt my son be the same, he is the type who loves to be free.

Fig 1 STI Daily Chart
What I see on STI chart today is something called the separating lines (Candle Stick). This is a bullish continuation pattern and will need confirmation (higher highs tomorrow). What's more, today mark the crossing of the double bottom neckline, seems like it is going to be bullish for quite a while still.
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