Another low in my life...
I was off reading charts the whole week, I was not in the mood. It seems like when bad things appear, they come in waves.
First I have hypertension and was conned into taking Beta Nicardia, resulting in:
1) pain on the back neck muscle;
2) Weak joints in particular at shoulder area;
3) Lartagidy, lack of energy after lunch;
4) Light headedness, will floating sensation (can't say I hate this because it is like on drugs);
5) Frequent headaches;
The worst effect was when I wanted to stop the medication, I experienced palpitation, with strong and quick heart pump. It took me a week to overcome the withdrawal syndrome. Mean while, I continued to experience the side effect of the medication.
Just last week, I received bad news from home, my grand mother died. While she lived until the age of 99, her last few years on earth was not good, she got dementia, difficulty in walking, put to an old folks home. She has 6 sons and none of them wanted her in. It dawn onto me that both my Grandmothers and my "maternal grandfather" have their end of lives spent in old folks home. Is this the trend nowadays where old folks are classified as useless and non-contributors?
Anyway, I manage to control my hypertension through alternate means, although it still fluctuates, it nevertheless less serious than the time when I was measured by THAT doctor.
I also have rewards on my trip back to Malaysia this round, there are a lot more juicy tales about my Grandmother that I did not know earlier. I also come to believe that my mother has conflict in herself about her feelings about my grand mother. There is a part of her hating her mother and yet there is another part which gave her fond memory.
Both my mother and grand mother shared the same birthday. She told the family during the funeral about this time when she was 9 or 10 years old. It was nighttime and she was helping my grand mother to sew the buttons for customers in bed. They rented a small room and they sheared the room with my 3 uncles. My grand mother said, " if later on the fried kuey Tiao man come, let's buy a pack of char kuey tiao. afterall, it is aour birthday." They waited, but the man never appeared. It was fated that they were never able to celebrate that birthday of theirs.
When my mother told this story, I could sense her disappointment in the story, it was not the missing kuey tiao, but not able to do something common with her mother. I felt a sense of sadness in her because it was a missed opportunity.
I had my fair share of relationship with my grandmother, afterall, she took care of me since I was born. I lived in an unstable environment then, both my parents had to work and there was not one to take care of me permanantly. My grand mother suggested to my mother that she will take care of me and my brothers while she worked. That not only gave me a place to settle down, it also saved my brother from being aborted.
It was unfortunately my life with my grandmother was discontinued at 6 when my mother and grand mother broke ties after an arguement. My grandmother of course has her evil side, but nevetheless, she cared for me. I still remember the few times she took me to see the doctor when I was sick. It was not easy considering we have to take 1 hour of bus just to reach the clinic, doctors then were not a common sight.
I missed my grandmother, that makes me think that I need to treasure my love ones more because all of us are not going to be around forever. One day, we will leave this earth. It will be too late to mend anything by then.

Fig 1 STI Weekly Chart
Speaking of STI, it has been up since last Friday and this week, it continues to move north! I won't ask what happened because that is a fundamental question, mostly. Technically speaking, it is time for rebound.
However, my guess is that its northward movement is limited because it is coming to a resistance, I believe relatively strong resistance. It is the neckline of the double top at 3,118. Not only that, there is also 21 weeks moving average at 2,123, 50% Fibonacci retracement resistance at 3,114.
On a positive end, both Stochastic and RSI are at the bottom and reversed, at the same time Gann Grid gradient is positive. These are indicators of bullishness.
The signals are mixed, which one should I follow? My gut feel is: STI will be going down, still.
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