
My Charting Blog

It is interesting that I start off this Blog when the Singapore Stock Market is heading south. However, this makes it more interesting for me to write on as the market turned volatile. My interest is Technical Analysis, TA for short. I love to look at charts and predicting where they are heading. This blog is or me to record my thoughts on the market. The articles on this blog are based solely on my personal opinion on the charts that I read and readers should not take it as absolute.


What's happening at Anheuser-Busch?

 I was going through the charts this week, I just could not get myself to work on any of the charts. Most of the charts were already updated and I need some patience to wait for them to develop.

At the same time, I am compelled to type an entry every week and I have been contemplating what to write? 

Eventually, the one news relating to my recent entries. The CEO of Anheuser-Busch, Brendan Whitworth went on a    talk show to discuss his company's recent misfortune. The sales continue to dwindle and stock on continuation downslide.

It should be natural for him to use this opportunity to reach out to his customers to persuade them back to drinking his company's beer by acknowledging error in their marketing strategy. Yet nothing of the sort happens and it was so politically correct that it is a waste of time listening to him.

The question is: Does he know what went wrong and what he should be doing to rectify the issue?

I believe he knows what has to be done but he is not doing it.

It got me interested in looking up his profile that I obtained from

Fig 1. Brendan Whitworth profile

It is interesting to note that he began his career in the military followed by change to CIA, both emphasizing on discipline, environment is highly organized and with strict adherent to order and command.

He then made a switched to a private sector to Director of Sales in PepsiCo. This is highly unusual since it is a jump from public to private sector, where chaos is the norm. furthermore, he landed in a leadership position of director even though without prior experience in sales. 

How was he going to lead the sales team dealing with multiple chaotic fronts with little knowledge of how this field is like?

He was then jumped to Anheuser-Busch when he got multiple promotion from Global Director of Sales to Global Vice President of Tech Sales, Vice President of North Region, US Chief Sales Officer and finally Zone President of North America. 

The time frame needed for his earlier promotions were in the span of 1 to 2 years. For such promotions, it will normally take multiple years and a person really needs to prove himself with the competence to do so. Rarely have I seen so many vacancies at the top levels, making promotion with such ease.

I suspect he is a pawn placed in the company.

This would explain why even until now he is not doing the right thing, because he IS DOING THE RIGHT THING following the order of the one who places him there, after all, he is trained in his previous job to follow strict order.

He probably has no worry of being removed as he strongly believes that the organization will protect him for DOING THE RIGHT THING.

Anyway, it is just my own guess and it might not be true.


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