I believe that it was XBox that released the Age Of Empire Mobile game this week. I remember that the first time I played the Age Of Empire was around 1996-98. That was the first version which I think closely resembles another game Civilization.
So I thought," why not give it a try, for old time sake."
Boy, have I made a BIG MISTAKE?
While there are some nostalgia of the original Age Of Empire, it is more like another game that I played for years which I eventually gave up, State Of Survivor(SOS). However, this game is more complex and there are a lot of different aspect that requires attention.
While playing the game, I noticed many players from my region stopped playing the game, most of them did not even reach level 10. Most players played with the mindset of playing game like SOS. But this is different with additional feature of land grab, planting flag poles.
What I saw in most alliances (that is what they called in the game) having members cluster in big group, while a large mass of land is taken up, unguarded. while there are re-location tools, it is very expensive and not worth using.Therefore members(or allies was the6y were called) have difficulties re-locating to support land from threat.
Further more, many of them just went on doing their own stuff while not contributing to the alliances, making progress difficult.
The complexity in managing the citadel itself is not helping neither, I myself spent much time going round the screen checking different aspects before I can focus on developing my citadel.
The result I saw was around 80% of the players gave up on the game. Even I am contemplating leaving the game as the territory is dying.
My understanding is that this game started by Microsoft, my feel is that it will not make it since within a week's of its launch and I am already contemplating giving up.
Anyway, that waws my rant for this game, let's go back to the real game.
I mentioned last week that I will include an entry on Dow Jones this week, and as promised, here it is.
My last update on Dow Jones It is tumbling down, but it is not yet for Dow Jones, I was adament at the time that Dow Jones was not ready to go down. Since then it climbed higher. So This time is it ready to come down?
Fig 1.DJIA weekly chart
I mentioned in my last week's entry that it was too early to tell since it was only a long bar down. Well, it is not that easy this week neither. A doji is created, indicating uncertainty. So what the chart tell me other than this uncertainty?
First and foremost, MACD crossed downward and not surpassing previous high, this is an indication of divergence, even though it is a weak on.
I believe it will be a correction instead of a reversal. Further indication needed for confirmation.
What else can I see?
The descent of Dow Jone is supported by its 8-week moving average and the 61.8% resistance turned support of its most recent projection, but it closed below the moving average. There is a chance that it may remain congest in the coming week, but the general direction will be trending downward.
The support I see may be between 39,134 (55-week moving average) to 40,206 (61.8% resistance turned support of its major projection.
The point is that there is a chance at this point that Dow Jones will bounce upward in the coming week, then the resistance I see will be 44,932.
The coming week is when the major event of US election is, it does not matter who wins the election, should the market not rally with good news in either way?
The important thing is that market is all about anticipation. People anticipating the revelation of this good news, and will start selling off once the event is over.
Will it climb with the result? Possible, with maximum period of round 2 week before it starts to head down. After all, Dow Jones really need a correction.
Speaking of the situation of US, I have a thought here based on the market concept of accumulation and distribution.
Is US presently at accumulation or distribution?
I believe that it is presently in process of distribution, why?
Notice the works of BLM? Reparation? LGBTQ*? The demand for privileges is an indication of distribution because everyone is yell," I deserve more!" This will lead to break up of a country.
What is accumulation then? It is when everyone chip in effort for a cause, it results in building up a nation.
In my opinion, US is badly in need to self-reflection, what the Democrats has introduced is very damaging to the country and the process needs to be reversed.
Unfortunately, many voters focus on the wrong thing, believing in the redirection from Democrats. Let's cross fingers that Trump can win back the country.
Labels: DJIA, Dow Jones