I have not been bloging much the last few days, partially because I went back to KL to be with my parents during the weekend and sadly, no WIFI for me!
The other part of it was that I am deeply disturbed. I am not sure if I have entry on the recent development in my organization, my boss decided to leave his position and he proposed my colleague to fill his place. Already at that point of time I knew it would only be a 50-50 chance of me getting that post. I was in fact a little hessitated to go for it anyway, I prefer major part of my duties to be back end.
On the surface, while there are some defficiency in him, I noted my colleague should have the calibre to handle the job, I told myself to accept his leadership. I did not profile him as it is not really my preference to do so on my ally.
Boy! Was I wrong.
The first thing he did was to offend everybody. He offended the Field Application Team by not only failed to acknowledging their contribution, he claimed they have not done enough. He offended the Design and Project Team by claiming their time to delvier was too long and he used the Field Application Team's revenue to leverage against the performance of the DPEs. He went a step further to make sure the DPEs report to him every Monday. On the sureface he claimed he wanted more understanding of the team, in fact, I can see that he has nothing except distrust to the team. No wonder everytime when vendors want WPG to help in design, the only thing he wanted to do was to out source.
He also offended me by making me swallow a 500K revenue knowing that I lead a design team with strong dependence on the Field Application Team for opportunity. The reason for this is that he knows a competitor would reject any design opportunity with less than 50K revenue and he wanted me to get 10 such projects. I only have one question for him: He led the Field Application Team for 4 years, has he ever once get his team to find one such single opportunity with 50K revenue?
The Sole purpose of the DPE establishment was exactly to suppliment the FAE to improve their performance. Yet, never once in his 4 years that he encourage his men to engage the DPE, ending up my team has to fend for their existence. The opportunities from the FAEs last year were less than 10 and 80% of them failed to realize. Even realise, it is less than 20K of revenue.
I am really surprise that he make decisions base on hearsay, not knowing how the competitor actually did with this criteria, or if he is comparing apple to apple. As far as I know no vendors really go and look for that competitor, they have been looking for my team to help on design matters! The funny thing is that I am not to use a single member of my team to help looking for opportunity, it will all have to come from the Field Application Team and I am to push the new FAE Manager to get result, gosh! I don't even know that I have been promoted to a rank higher than the FAE Manager, the last I know, the FAE Manager still reports to him, not me. What authority do I have?
Not only that, I have no idea where he harness such belief that Manager are not there to be liked and using this belief, he aimed to turn himself into a bastard. He claimed to place importance in revenue, yet he is telling everyone to turn away opportunities of less than 50K? Does he know the market at all after 4 years of being the FAE manager? One would really be laughing if he can find a local opportunity so BIG! I was also told to reject any opportunity less than 50K, that literally means every single project on my hand now, including those introduced by the vendors.
This reminds me of a director we used to have, his name was Damien. Damien was doing exact what this colleague of mine is doing right now, going around offending people. He left in a year's time because no one is willing to work with him, including those reporting to him.
At the end, I insisted on a conditional accpetance of this MBO (Management By Objective) because I would have to be God to make this work without a single commitement from his side to make changes. I am seriously doubtful by now if he is fit to run the department, especially when I know he already gave up on his own team since the end of last year.

Fig 1 STI Daily Chart
While I did not have access, I did downloaded by database right before I left for Malaysia and I manage to take a look at the market during the weekend. I have found that while STI was coming down the last few days of last week, someone were trying to push up the market, making it going higher at the end of the day.
The market today managed to go up for about 20 points, resulting in RSI reversing up a little. So is it going up or down? I am a little uncertain here. The only thing I know is that the previous high at 2,890 is crucial, breaking this points means it is heading for higher high. It is also approaching the positive gradient of the Gann Gird lines, so it is likely that the trend is again reverved upward for one last time.
The resaon for me to state this is that while the indicators are at the peak, there has been no divergence, this is uncommon in a daily chart.
Labels: STI